Innovative engineering services for maximum energy efficiency solutions

Our innovation is characterized by the combination of existing and new technologies. These represent novel, effective solutions that combine technological advances, sustainability, cost-effectiveness and user-friendliness. They address specific problems in a creative way, increase efficiency and are often interdisciplinary in nature. 

CO2 -free factory

We analyze (Scope1,2,3), reduce, avoid, recover your energy and show you the way to a crisis-proof CO2-neutral energy supply.


Our engineers implement the potential from the entire energy optimization for you. 
We plan, tender and monitor your construction projects.

Strategy development

We leverage energy potential that can make a city, a factory, a clinic or an entire company climate-neutral.

Industrial process technology

We analyze your processes from an overall energy perspective and plan individual, sustainable solutions tailored to your production.

Climate protection/neighborhood

Which interplay of regenerative technologies enables CO2-free cities and districts? Heat planning and transformation planning. You've come to the right place!


to achieve your goals and for the good of society for sustainable climate protection.